| | European Commission – Energy Policy | Prix en vigueur au Prices in force on Preise geltend am 13/3/2017 |
| | Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben und Steuern |
| | | | |
In national currency |
| Euro-super 95 (I) | Gas oil automobile Automotive gas oil Dieselkraftstoff (I) | Gasoil de chauffage Heating gas oil Heizöl (II) | Fuel oil – Schweres Heizöl (III) Soufre <= 1% Sulphur <= 1% Schwefel <= 1% | Fuel oil – Schweres Heizöl (III) Soufre > 1% Sulphur > 1% Schwefel > 1% |
| 1000L | 1000L | 1000L | t | t |
Bulgaria (BGN) | 2.042,10 | 2.022,90 | 1.864,80 | | |
Croatia (HRK) | 9.576,00 | 8.944,00 | 4.903,00 | 3.773,00 | |
Czech Republic (CZK) | 31.022,00 | 30.386,00 | 17.810,00 | 8.802,00 | |
Denmark (DKK) | 11.200,00 | 9.540,00 | 8.375,00 | 5.190,00 | |
Hungary (HUF) | 362.801,53 | 375.938,15 | 375.938,15 | 126.005,00 | |
Poland (PLN) | 4.701,75 | 4.566,50 | 2.976,36 | 1.734,07 | 1.344,72 |
Romania (RON) | 4.695,74 | 4.741,78 | 4.224,28 | 1.850,43 | |
Sweden (SEK) | 13.916,00 | 13.886,00 | 10.777,00 | 7.853,00 | |
United Kingdom (GBP) | 1.198,03 | 1.227,67 | 522,06 | | |
En/In EURO |
| Euro-super 95 (I) | Gas oil automobile Automotive gas oil Dieselkraftstoff (I) | Gasoil de chauffage Heating gas oil Heizöl (II) | Fuel oil – Schweres Heizöl (III) Soufre <= 1% Sulphur <= 1% Schwefel <= 1% | Fuel oil – Schweres Heizöl (III) Soufre > 1% Sulphur > 1% Schwefel > 1% |
| 1000L | 1000L | 1000L | t | t |
Austria | 1.183,00 | 1.119,00 | 700,57 | 400,70 | |
Belgium | 1.384,90 | 1.262,50 | 587,70 | 317,04 | |
Bulgaria | 1.044,13 | 1.034,31 | 953,47 | | |
Croatia | 1.288,26 | 1.203,23 | 659,60 | 507,58 | |
Cyprus | 1.245,52 | 1.234,00 | 805,41 | 564,58 | |
Czech Republic | 1.148,07 | 1.124,53 | 659,12 | 325,75 | |
Denmark | 1.506,59 | 1.283,29 | 1.126,58 | 698,14 | |
Estonia | 1.217,00 | 1.237,00 | 743,00 | | |
Finland | 1.485,00 | 1.352,00 | 907,00 | | |
France | 1.401,46 | 1.259,79 | 768,02 | 464,58 | |
Germany | 1.381,00 | 1.183,00 | 631,00 | | |
Greece | 1.540,00 | 1.294,00 | 989,00 | 436,31 | |
Hungary | 1.161,23 | 1.203,27 | 1.203,27 | 403,31 | |
Ireland | 1.399,00 | 1.269,00 | 671,41 | 694,49 | |
Italy | 1.548,90 | 1.402,00 | 1.191,35 | 385,06 | |
Latvia | 1.182,17 | 1.092,72 | 748,97 | | |
Lithuania | 1.147,12 | 1.048,76 | 582,34 | | 280,00 |
Luxembourg | 1.168,00 | 1.008,00 | 566,00 | | |
Malta | 1.310,00 | 1.180,00 | 1.000,00 | | |
Netherlands | 1.561,00 | 1.237,00 | 1.001,00 | 591,00 | |
Poland | 1.083,95 | 1.052,77 | 686,18 | 399,78 | 310,01 |
Portugal | 1.482,00 | 1.269,00 | 1.082,00 | 577,41 | |
Romania | 1.030,67 | 1.040,78 | 927,19 | 406,15 | |
Slovakia | 1.307,00 | 1.169,00 | | 490,52 | 483,88 |
Slovenia | 1.302,59 | 1.191,44 | 865,07 | 520,12 | |
Spain | 1.236,91 | 1.125,05 | 677,66 | 377,98 | |
Sweden | 1.454,96 | 1.451,83 | 1.126,77 | 821,06 | |
United Kingdom | 1.372,97 | 1.406,94 | 598,29 | | |
CE/EC/EG EUR 28 (IV) Moyenne pondérée Weighted average Gewichteter Durchschnitt | 1.369,45 | 1.237,32 | 718,05 | 438,86 | 367,36 |
CE/EC/EG Euro Area 19 (€) (V) Moyenne pondérée € Weighted average € Gewichteter Durchschnitt € | 1.413,08 | 1.230,29 | 704,90 | 423,20 | 379,74 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other petroleum products | In National Currency | In/En EURO |
Lead Substitute Petrol (1000L) (I) | | |
| Greece (EUR) | 1.670,00 | 1.670,00 |
LPG – motor fuel (1000L) (I) | | |
| Belgium (EUR) | 519,00 | 519,00 |
| Bulgaria (BGN) | 1.004,20 | 513,45 |
| Croatia (HRK) | 4.578,00 | 615,88 |
| Czech Republic (CZK) | 14.272,00 | 528,18 |
| Estonia (EUR) | 558,00 | 558,00 |
| France (EUR) | 734,41 | 734,41 |
| Germany (EUR) | 553,00 | 553,00 |
| Hungary (HUF) | 216.102,50 | 691,68 |
| Italy (EUR) | 640,11 | 640,11 |
| Latvia (EUR) | 540,33 | 540,33 |
| Lithuania (EUR) | 567,67 | 567,67 |
| Luxembourg (EUR) | 505,00 | 505,00 |
| Netherlands (EUR) | 685,00 | 685,00 |
| Poland (PLN) | 2.198,15 | 506,77 |
| Portugal (EUR) | 642,00 | 642,00 |
| Romania (RON) | 2.225,09 | 488,39 |
| Slovakia (EUR) | 576,00 | 576,00 |
| Slovenia (EUR) | 658,81 | 658,81 |
| Spain (EUR) | 639,33 | 639,33 |
Standard Grade Burning Oil UK (1000L) (II) | | |
| United Kingdom (GBP) | 395,76 | 453,55 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Euro exchange rate | | | | | | |
Bulgaria | BGN | 1,95580 | | | | | | |
Croatia | HRK | 7,43330 | | | | | | |
Czech Republic | CZK | 27,02100 | | | | | | |
Denmark | DKK | 7,43400 | | | | | | |
Hungary | HUF | 312,43000 | | | | | | |
Poland | PLN | 4,33760 | | | | | | |
Romania | RON | 4,55600 | | | | | | |
Sweden | SEK | 9,56450 | | | | | | |
United Kingdom | GBP | 0,87258 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(I) | Pump prices | |
(II) | Delivered consumer prices for deliveries of 2 000 to 5 000 litres (for offtakes of less than 2 000 litres the industrial sector may be taken into consideration) | |
(III) | Delivered consumer prices for offtakes of less than 2 000 tonnes per month or less than 24 000 tonnes per year (for Ireland, deliveries of 500 to 1 000 tonnes per month) | |
| The prices inclusive of duties and taxes are VAT excluded only in the cases of Residual fuel Oil –HS (sulphur content exceeding 1%) and Residual fuel Oil –LS (sulphur content not exceeding 1%). | |
(IV) | Average resulting from the weighting of the quantities consumed during the year 2015 (EUR 28) | |
(V) | Average resulting from the weighting of the quantities consumed during the year 2015 (EUROLAND) | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The prices communicated by the Member States are the prices most frequently charged, based on a weighted average. Comparisons between prices and price trends in different countries shall be carefully made. They are of limited validity because of differences in product quality, in marketing practices, in market structures, and to the extent that standard categories are representative of the total sales of a given product. For Greece the disposal period of heating gas oil begins mid-October and ends in April. Information concerning subscriptions to the Oil bulletin : e-mail : ener-oil-bulletin@ec.europa.eu Disclaimer This oil bulletin prepared by the European Commission aims at enhancing public access to information about petroleum product prices within the Members States of the European Union. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However the Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this publication. Copyright notice Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. © Communautés européennes,2017 | |